Certification for Sustainable Work Spaces

The Green Office Program at the University of New Engl和 aims to engage faculty, professional staff, 并通过为学生提供一个项目,为办公室提供必要的工具,以获得绿色办公室认证. 该计划通过创建重视正规澳门赌场网络核心价值观所概述的环境管理的工作场所社区,将办公室和部门聚集在一起.

Three achievement levels exist, 以两种方式评估:办公室成员参与的百分比和在考试中获得的分数比例 self-conducted assessment tool.

Certification Achieved Percentage Points Possible Percent of Team Participation
1级 40 50
2级 55 75
3级 70 100

To support even more sustainable practices within UNE’s offices 和 departments, 我们鼓励各办事处详细说明其为达到部分评估工具点而采取的行动. 我们通过在评估工具的创新类别中提供额外的分数来奖励创造性的措施.

Certified Offices

1级 Certifications
  • Environmental 健康 和 Safety Department
  • College of Arts 和 科学s Dean's Office
  • Abplanalp Library
  • Student Academic Success Center, Biddeford Campus
  • Oral 健康 Center Administrative Offices
  • 健康, 健康, 和 Occupational Studies
2级 Certifications
  • K等hum Library
  • College of Graduate 和 Professional Studies
  • Office of Communications
  • Departments of Environmental Studies 和 Mathematical 科学s
  • School of Marine Programs

Benefits of Green Office Certification

  • 有框架的绿色办公证书,用于展示,标识已达到的认证级别
  • Recognition on UNE’s Sustainability webpage
  • Ability to display UNE Green Office logo on department webpages
  • Opportunities for on- 和 off-campus media attention
  • Greater cohesion among office members 和 an appreciation for sustainability
  • Realized cost-savings while engaging in environmental stewardship

Steps to Green Office Certification

  1. Acquaint yourself with the information on the UNE Sustainability 和 UNE Green Office web pages.
  2. If questions arise or you would like to participate in the program, email the Sustainability Office.
  3. 然后,可持续发展办公室将通过电子邮件将Excel电子表格评估工具发送给绿色办公室负责人,由您办公室的成员完成. 请 complete the assessment toolemail a copy to the Sustainability Office.
  4. 与可持续发展办公室预约生态代表进行验证访问.
  5. After the verification visit, 您的评估清单将被评分,您将收到正规澳门赌场网络您达到哪个级别的通知.
  6. We will schedule a time to present your certificate, typically at a staff meeting so we can take a group photo to publicize your achievement.
  7. Congratulations! You are now a green office!


创建这些资源是为了在您的办公室进行认证工作时使用,并考虑到评估工具. 例如, the pledges can be used to earn points on your office’s assessment tool, or could be used to spark awareness in the office. 大多数都只能在线观看,不能格式化打印——例外情况也要注明.


Who administers the Green Office Program?


What is the origin of the UNE Green Office Program?

The students in the spring 2015 Sustainability Lab, ENV 240, took on development of the Green Office Program as a project for the semester. The students drafted the assessment tool, made recommendations about achievement levels 和 incentives, 和 drafted educational tools, advertisements, 和 website content. They also conducted pilot assessments in three departments to hone the assessment tool. 可持续发展办公室和一名暑期实习生利用所有这些作品创造了绿色办公室项目的最终形式.

How should we define our office?

As mentioned in our registration form, we define an office as spaces that provide frequent interaction among colleagues, such as all individual offices that are in close physical proximity, 和/or all office spaces 和 employees that are in a building or on a floor. 由于绿色办公室计划将考虑所有合理的办公室定义,因此该定义故意含糊不清. We want the office to feel a sense of camaraderie, 因此,定义的群体应该以一种有意义的方式建立,并增加成功的可能性. The defined office could look very different from other groups. 例如, an office may be defined as an entire floor of a building, such as with the English Department on the first floor of Marcil Hall. On the other h和, 办公室可以被定义为一组独立的办公室,比如药学院的院长办公室. 或者一个部门有两个组是有意义的,因为该部门被分成两个或更多的位置, 比如招生组被分为欢迎小屋和宠物健康中心.

If you are having trouble defining your office, email acariddi@ru-yacht.com for office definition suggestions.

How are the different achievement levels reached?

Upon completion 和 submission of the Green Office assessment tool, participation percentages are determined alongside total assessment tool points. 例如, 为了有资格获得一级认证,您的办公室需要在自我评估工具中达到40%的可能总分,并且参与率至少达到指定办公室成员的50%. 如果只有一半的办公室成员参与,那么一个办公室能够获得三级认证是没有意义的.

What are the categories covered in the assessment tool?
  • Energy conservation
  • Waste reduction
  • Transportation alternatives
  • Involvement/leadership opportunities
  • 创新
Can I preview the assessment tool before registering?

是的. 我们准备了一份仅包含评估项目的文件(不包括积分或选择选项),我们将根据来自 acariddi@ru-yacht.com.

How long does it take to complete the assessment tool?
这取决于. If the Green Office Leader attempts to tackle the assessment tool alone, 这可能需要几个小时来彻底调查并收集所有办公室参与者的回复. If the interested office members complete the tool together, it could take as little as an hour to an hour 和 a half.
Do we need recertification? 如果有,如何 often?

是的, 目前我们要求每两(2)年的认证周年纪念日重新认证一次. 我们设想,如果一个办公室在连续两轮认证中达到三级认证, 除非有两个或两个以上的人员变动,否则不需要重新认证.

Can we “level up”? 如果有,如何?

是的 — 和 we encourage you to do so at any time. You do not need to wait until your certification anniversary. Send us an email at acariddi@ru-yacht.com to schedule an Eco-Rep visit. Have your assessment tool h和y for the visit with the changes you have implemented.

What are the responsibilities of the Green Office Leader?

绿色办公室负责人是您的办公室小组和绿色办公室计划之间的联络人. They are responsible for completing the registration form, seeking support for conducting the self-assessment, 和 transmitting the assessment tool back to the Green Office Program. The leader will make the appointment with the Eco-Rep to verify the assessment tool. 

领导不负责确保所有办公室成员遵守工具中的项目或让他们同意参与. 这个人应该是在你的团队中,有兴趣推动一个大多数办公室成员都乐于参与的过程的人. It should be fun, not arduous.

What is the purpose of the Eco-Rep visit?

可持续发展办公室的生态代表接受培训,为所有清单项目提供教育骨干. Eco-Reps won’t simply audit your assessment tool, 而是给你一些有见地的建议,告诉你的办公室如何才能在一个最初可能被认为“不适用”的项目上获得加分.“生态代表也可能带来一个示例工具包,其中包含一些项目,以展示更可持续发展的办公室的实施策略.

What things may be included in the example toolkit?

我们的工具包旨在展示可以提高绿色办公室计划体验的项目,并帮助您的办公室获得更多的评估工具积分, ultimately increasing your ability to achieve a higher certification level. 你的办公室可能想要购买的物品(以最小的成本增加)包括温度计, LED bulbs or task lamps, surge protectors, reusable mugs, eco-friendly dish soap, organic 和 fair trade coffee, 等...绿色办公室计划不能提供所有必要的材料,但可以为您提供在哪里可以购买物品的资源, if necessary.

What if an assessment tool item is not applicable to my office?

Most all assessment tool items are applicable to all offices. 例如, you may think that centralized printing is not possible for confidentiality purposes, 然而, procedures can be put in place to ensure confidentiality, while still consolidating printing. Another example may surround purchasing carbon offsets for air travel. It may be rare for anyone in your office to travel, 然而, there are conferences 和 meetings required occasionally in almost all departments, 和 carbon offsets are easy 和 relatively inexpensive to purchase. 

If you still think an item in the assessment tool does not apply, 生态代表将审查标有“不适用”答案的所有项目,并提出问题以作出最终决定. All of the “not applicable” items will not be counted in the final tally of points.

Who should I contact with questions about the Green Office Program?

电子邮件 acariddi@ru-yacht.com, 和 a response will be returned to you as soon as possible.